The job duties include usual personal assistant duties (scheduling, calendar, arranging travel, interacting with the client’s manager, tour manager and business manager, organizing business documents and correspondence, sending packages to client when on tour if documents need signature etc.) as well as helping manage the client’s personal residence (which consists of two homes, one of which is rented to a tenant). This includes overseeing the gardeners (who come maybe once a week), the housekeeper (also comes 1-2x per week), arranging for repairs when needed and keeping the house supplied. The person should be available to physically work out of the house at least half of the week. The assistant will NOT need to travel with the client, but it is not a typical 9-5 job, and will need to be on call.
Benefits: Employer covers full premium for health insurance.
Salary:$85-$90k. Discretionary bonus possible but not guaranteed.
Please email resumes to hello@staffingbysabri.com